Social Media Changes

Lookout for these 2021 changes to the social media apps we love!

As a digital marketing agency, we feel like it’s our civic duty to bring you the latest news and developments to the major social media platforms we use on a daily basis. Here’s the latest tweaks that’s got the social community talking… Instagram officially launches new captions stickers for stories; Rolled out in a few countries, the rest to follow, …

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Have you noticed Google’s new ‘for context’ links when reading news stories? Here’s the deal:

When reading the latest news stories off Google, you may have noticed a little secondary box underneath the news story you’re looking at. This secondary box has been introduced to give you the ‘bigger picture’, or a better understanding of the news. It is being named the ‘for context’ feature as the news feature ultimately links to a second broader …

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YouTube Wasn't Always A Video Sharing Platform

YouTube Wasn’t Always A Video Sharing Platform

15 years ago, YouTube was launched as a video dating website It’s hard to imagine YouTube as anything else than the gigantic online video sharing platform it is today. However, when it was created 15 years ago, it was meant to be something different: a video-dating website. As revealed by co-founder Steve Chen, the platform was released in 2005 as a way for …

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Facebook Messenger Update

Facebook is trying out a new way of organising messages from business pages in Messenger

Numerous Facebook users have said they have seen this feature on their pages as well. However, it has been stated in Messenger Platform Developer Community that this is currently a test with no plans to develop at this time. Their message read; “?? ???, ????? ???? ???? ???? ??????????? ????? ? ????????? ???? ???? ?? ????????? ???????, ??? ?? ???? ?? …

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Traditional VS Digital Marketing

Big or small, the best way to popularize your business is Digital Marketing. Digital marketing is a rare combination of negligible risk and the greatest rewards. ??? ?? ??????? ????????? ? ??????? ?????? ???? ??????????? ?????? ???? ?????????: Newspapers, flyers, posters, television ads, etc. indulge a huge amount of expenses. While advertising through the internet is a means which is …

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Apple introduces the iPhone Xs

Another year, another set of brand-spankin’ new iPhones. But this year, little has been left to the imagination as leaks have continued to spring up over the course of the past few months. Today, however, the new iPhone becomes official. Apple has introduced a new model of the premium iPhone, the iPhone XS, which comes in three finishes, gold, silver …

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