Have you noticed Google’s new ‘for context’ links when reading news stories? Here’s the deal:

When reading the latest news stories off Google, you may have noticed a little secondary box underneath the news story you’re looking at. This secondary box has been introduced to give you the ‘bigger picture’, or a better understanding of the news. It is being named the ‘for context’ feature as the news feature ultimately links to a second broader story relating to the same topic. For now, this feature does seem to be visible on mobile phones when searching for specific news results. It also appears as though the ‘for context’ link is not there to direct people to other sites, but rather to link a news story with similar stories on the same website.
If you find yourself trying to test it out, don’t be alarmed if the feature doesn’t pop up for all news topics. Google has confirmed that this feature is a definite roll-out. Still, they’re extra cautious, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic to ensure that they are not engaging in flaunting controversial topics and spreading misinformation.
Google. Ever-evolving.

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